Medical service
In case of an emergency, call 112.
Medical service at the pitches
At the larger playing areas you'll find Gothia Cup First Aid staff, you recognize them with their red or yellow wests.
At the following playing areas First Aid staff are available:
Apelsinplan*, Backavallen*, Bergsjövallen, Gamla Ullevi*, Gamelstadsvallen, Gerdskensvallen*, Grimbo*, Heden, Härlanda, Inlag*, Kviberg*, Lemmingvallen, Mjörnvallen, Noltorpsvallen, Ruddalen*, Slätta Damm*, Sälöfjordsplan, Åbyvallen*, Åkeredsvallen*
At the playing areas marked with * automated external defibrillators (AED) are available.
Public health care
Public health care in Sweden is free of charge for youths. This applies for youths from countries that have a medical agreement with Sweden, for example all countries in the Europeean Union. People from countries that does not have a medical agreement with Sweden pays full costs.